Zespół Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Marbella

Doskonałość w branży nieruchomości wynika z czegoś więcej niż tylko z zakończenia transakcji. Tylko wtedy, gdy wszystkie strony są zadowolone z procesu zakupu i sprzedaży, transakcja biznesowa jest naprawdę udana i może być uznana za sytuację korzystną dla wszystkich zaangażowanych stron. Oddany tym wartościom zespół Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Marbella z przyjemnością pomoże Państwu, aby wszystkie pytania i wątpliwości zostały rozpatrzone w najszybszy i najbardziej profesjonalny sposób.

W Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Marbella wykorzystujemy elitarną sieć silnych relacji, wraz z nowoczesnymi, skutecznymi narzędziami, aby połączyć kupujących i sprzedających luksusowe nieruchomości. Nasz międzynarodowy zespół doświadczonych, zorientowanych na usługi profesjonalistów łączy lokalną wiedzę z rozległymi globalnymi kontaktami, najbardziej zaawansowaną technologią i niezrównanymi zasobami marketingowymi, wszystko po to aby zapewnić swoim klientom jak najlepsze wyniki.

Jonas Krumnikl

Jonas Krumnikl

Współzałożyciel i dyrektor zarządzający

Luca Tamburello

Luca Tamburello

Współzałożyciel i dyrektor zarządzający

Sam Cameron

Starszy specjalista ds. sprzedaży

Carlota M. Wilson

Pracownik działu sprzedaży

Marianela Carrasco

Pracownik działu sprzedaży

Louie Brehm

Pracownik działu sprzedaży Sotogrande

Timothy Tian

Pracownik działu sprzedaży

Lorena Tudor

Menedżer ds. relacji z klientami

Melanie Beer

Relacje z klientami

Yolanda de la Peña

Kierownik operacyjny

Anna Michaleje

Kierownik biura

Irene Sierra

Dyrektor ds. ofert

Uldis Lapins


Jonas Krumnikl

Współzałożyciel i dyrektor zarządzający

Jonas Krumnikl

Jonas jest współzałożycielem i partnerem Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Marbella. Wnosi do firmy bogate doświadczenie w dziedzinie nieruchomości, zdobyte dzięki zróżnicowanemu wykształceniu i pełnej wyzwań karierze w sektorze, w którym kierował projektami biznesowymi w Niemczech oraz doradzał międzynarodowej firmie doradczej w zakresie nieruchomości w Madrycie.

Zdobył rozległą wiedzę na temat dynamiki rynku nieruchomości, w tym alokacji aktywów, wyceny, zarządzania i finansowania. Ukończył studia ekonomii i zarządzania w LSE w Madrycie na kierunku ekonomia i zarządzanie, a następnie uzyskał dyplom z ekonomii nieruchomości w ADI we Frankfurcie, gdzie otrzymał specjalne wyróżnienie za swoją pracę.

Jonas jest obywatelem Niemiec i mówi płynnie po angielsku, hiszpańsku i niemiecku. Jego niekwestionowana zdolność do dostarczania usług i chęć doskonalenia się w tej branży zaowocowały stworzeniem Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Marbella.

Luca Tamburello

Współzałożyciel i dyrektor zarządzający

Luca Tamburello

Luca jest współzałożycielem i partnerem Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Marbella. Jego międzynarodowe doświadczenie jest podkreślone przez karierę w świecie bankowości inwestycyjnej. Mając do czynienia z wyrafinowanymi inwestorami i klientami o bardzo wysokiej wartości netto, jest doświadczonym sprzedawcą, który rozumie wartość relacji.

Luca nieustannie stawia czoła wyzwaniom związanym z kreatywnym myśleniem i stosowaniem oryginalności w swojej pracy. Wdrażał strategie marketingowe na dużą skalę i doskonale radzi sobie w scenariuszach negocjacyjnych. Ukończył z wyróżnieniem studia licencjackie z zakresu bankowości i finansów międzynarodowych w Cass Business School w Londynie, a także uzyskał tytuł magistra zarządzania biznesem w ESCP-EAP w Paryżu.

Luca jest z pochodzenia Włochem i mówi płynnie po angielsku, hiszpańsku, francusku i włosku. Zafascynowany inwestycjami w nieruchomości, z wizją zaoferowania bardziej spersonalizowanej obsługi i firmy opartej na rozwiązaniach, Luca wykorzystał swój talent przedsiębiorczy, aby założyć Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Marbella.

Sam Cameron

Sales Director

Sam Cameron

Sam Cameron, 32, (BSc Hons) in Sport & Health Sciences (University of Salford, Manchester, UK), and of dual Spanish & British nationality, began his Real Estate career back in 2011.

Having lived over 30 years in Marbella, and with almost 10 years experience in listings & sales in some of the biggest companies on the Coast, he decided to join the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Marbella and hasn’t looked back. Sam skillfully negotiates and navigates Marbella’s increasingly fast-paced and complex real estate landscape. With an unwavering drive to provide the absolute best service, both buyers and sellers can count on a smooth experience while working with a dedicated agent who brings honesty, integrity, extraordinary attention to detail and a caring human touch to all of his clients. His ethos is to offer a strategic yet personalized approach for achieving the best results for his clients.

Fluent in Spanish and English, he considers himself as an ambitious young team leader and motivator who’s goal is to offer a concise guidance to suit his clients property search.

Barbara Benet

Luxury Collection Specialist

Barbara Benet

Barbara is native to Marbella and has a wealth of knowledge & expertise on the local market. Growing up in a multicultural environment she completed her degree and developed her professional career in London for over 12 years before returning to her hometown.

Her professional background is predominantly in the finance sector where she worked for various think tanks providing consultancy and business intelligence on macroeconomics and financial markets to top tier-investment banks, and alternative investment firms in Europe and the US. She also worked for an established EMEA multi-strategy London based hedge fund with over USD 2 billion Assets Under Management within the investor relations and fundraising división. She was proactively involved with all fundrasing efforts of the Fund dealing with institutional investors (Funds of Funds, Pension Funds, Family Offices) and HNIs.

She graduated with BA Hons in International Relations and Economics from the University of Sussex in 2003, is bilingual (Spanish/ English) and proficient in French.

After moving back to her hometown with her family, her acquired transferable skills, and passion for real estate led her to work for a prominent real estate advisory on the coast before joining Berkshire Hathway Homeservices. Accustomed to dealing with a sophisticated client base she prides herself in cultivating longstanding relationships and offering the best service to her clients. The firm’s core values of honesty, integrity and excellence are very much aligned with her ethos.

Timothy Tian

Listings Associate

Timothy Tian

Timothy is a British national of mixed origins, Dutch/ Indonesian. Having worked in a vast array of fields such as International Sales, Banking & Finance, Product Manufacturing, Business Management, and Tech, he believes in a strong work ethic, integrity, loyalty, and building long-lasting relationships.

Timothy graduated with a BSc Hons in Business & Investment from the London Guildhall University and has lived & worked in London, Amsterdam, New York, and Jakarta, before moving back to Marbella where his family have established their roots for over 50 years and is currently pursuing his true calling in Real Estate.

Currently still mastering the Spanish language, Timothy speaks fluent English, Dutch, Indonesian, and Malay.

Lorena Tudor

Customer Relations Manager

Lorena Tudor

Lorena is a highly motivated and proactive individual who has accumulated excellent knowledge of Marbella’s real estate market over the past decade. Having joined the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Marbella team in 2011 and with over 9 years experience delivering exceptional customer service in the real estate field, Lorena provides invaluable office support to the team.

She considers herself a creative, cheerful and enthusiastic person, outgoing with strong and effective organisational and communication skills, a good team player, fluent in both English & Spanish as well as her native language, Romanian.

Lorena takes pride in being a member of the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Marbella family, and enjoys all aspects of working with such a young and dynamic team in a wonderful location.

Tene Sommer

Head of Marketing & Design

Tene Sommer

Tene, an Estonian national residing in Marbella, is a brand and marketing strategist who partners with CEOs, executives and solopreneurs to grow their personal and professional brands. With over 10 years of helping companies grow their online customer base, she is all about how well you connect with the heart-beating people you’re trying to help and communicate your understanding back to them.

Tene’s greatest strengths are her creativity, drive and leadership. She thrives on challenges, particularly those that expand the company’s reach. Besides setting up her own agency in 2017 to provide her clients with tailored 360° solutions, she also runs her globally acclaimed lifestyle and travel blog where she actively promotes her knowledge on wellness, nutrition, travels and insights into our beloved Marbella offering an invaluable set of tips about the unique lifestyle it offers.

Yolanda de la Peña

Operations Manager

Yolanda de la Peña

Yolanda has been an integral part of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Marbella for the past 5 years, having led the line of communication between clients, customers, and businesses to get projects done in a concise and timely manner.

She strives to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction in partnership with our team members, in the delivery of a support service which exceeds their expectations in professionalism, solution provision and turnaround.

She is seen by her peers as an ambitious, outgoing individual who seeks extensive adventure in everything. Working towards achievement, she is always on the go and open to take on the many challenges present in the daily operations of the company. A trusted team player, willing to lead or follow, eager to learn and self-motivated.

Anna Michaleje

Administrative assistant & Property management

Anna Michaleje

Anna Michaleje is a Slovakian national fluent in Slovak, Spanish and English, with over 14 years of experience in the hospitality and real estate industries. She joins Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Marbella with a proven track record of senior-level management support and training. She has a strong ability to streamline processes and maximize efficiency within the organisations daily operations including property management tasks.

Anna’s philosophy centers around what role she can play in helping others find solutions. She is committed to excellence in service and can predict needs and always practices personal accountability in the workplace. Capable, determined, confident and a well- organized administrative assistant, she is a highly approachable individual who has a pleasant attitude and a willingness to make a positive mark.

Irene Sierra

Listings Director

Irene Sierra

Irene, a Spanish national fluent in English and Russian, has a praiseworthy career within the Marbella real estate sector. Having worked as head of listings for more than 5 years she is an expert in the matter. She takes the time to truly understand each seller’s goals before developing their customized marketing plans to ensure the absolute best possible outcome. As part of the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Marbella network, she provides sellers with extensive local and global marketing opportunities for their properties.

Uldis Lapins

Real Estate Photographer

Uldis Lapins

Uldis Lapins comes from Latvia and is now based in Marbella where he is making a name for himself within the local real estate sector. Fluent in English, Russian and Latvian, he works closely with agents to compose a variety of interior and exterior shots for online listings, social media posts, and printed materials.